Islamic Album - Galleries of the two Holy Mosques

Islamic Album - Galleries of the two Holy Mosques

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Picture Album of Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah, Masjid Nabvi (Prophet’s Mosque) in Madinah and important sites surrounding them Islamic Album - Galleries of The Two Holy Mosques is a full color picture album with pictures of Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah, Masjid An-Nabi in Madinah and surrounding places of significant importance. Pictures are briefly explained in Arabic, Urdu, Persian, English, Indonesian and Turkish languages. The pictures are stunning and some are rare making this book a collector's must have. From the Introduction Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and blessings & peace be upon the noblest of the Prophets and Messengers, our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) , and upon all his family and Companions. Verily it is the call of our father lbraahim (A.S.), as Allah commanded him: "So fill some hearts among men with love towards them" [lbrahim 14:37]. The heart longs to see these holy places and wishes to live there, if only for a few hours, seeking pardon and forgiveness and reward from Allah. We are happy to present to you this album in a language that everyone may understand, the language of pictures. We hope that you will enjoy its contents, call to mind memories and pray that you might see these holy places with your own eyes. Ameen. Languages for Pictures' Captions Pictures' captions are availble in the following six languages for every picture: Arabic English Persian Urdu Indonesian Turkish
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