This anthology brings together English translations of twenty-six Urdu short stories by renowned Pakistani writers. Stories included in the anthology were written between 1947 and the present time. Authors range from the celebrated Saadat Hasan Manto and Intizar Husain to Dr Shershah Syed and Zafar Mehmood.
Not all of these stories are necessarily the most famous works of their authors, and most of them have not been translated into English before. However, their exquisite depiction of diverse experiences and social realities justifies calling them unforgettable gems of Urdu short story writing.
Selected and translated by Amina Azfar, these stories will delight the general reader and will also be useful to students and scholars studying South Asian literature, culture, and history.
Amina Azfar was educated in Bangladesh and Pakistan. She now works as a freelance editor and translator. Her books, The Dust of the Road, and The Oxford Book of Urdu Short Stories won the Hasan Askari Award for best translation work from the Pakistan Academy of Letters, in the years 2007 and 2009, respectively. Azfar has authored textbooks, as well as storybooks for children in Urdu and English. She has contributed articles to various newspapers, and reviewed books for the Pakistani English daily Dawn. She has also taught English language at the Pakistan American Cultural Centre in Karachi.