Written in 1513, The Prince (II Principe / De
Principatibus in Italian) is a treatise on Realpolitik.
Although, many critics condemn its power politics
content and disparagingly term it Machiavellian, it is
Usually regarded as the first work of modern
political philosophy. Divided in 26 chapters, it
almost covers everything on leadership and has
been one of the most read books ever.
About the Author
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) was born in Florence, Italy. Until 1512, he had an active political life and served at diplomatic and military positions in Florentine Republic. He lost his office when Medici family reclaimed Florentine throne. Machiavelli, then, moved to his family estate and dedicated his life to writ- ing. He wrote his magnum opus The Prince (Il Principe) in 1513 and then went on writing many political, historical, fictional and dramatic works. He is often regarded as the founder of the modern political science.