Publishers Note
In our world of chaos and confusion concerning the unending problems of sexual abuses and perversion, most of mankind, who does not have the benefit of Islamic knowledge and guidance, has all but given up hope on how to come to terms with this intractable of all problems.
Men who are embarrassed to face their own weaknesses boldly view the most lewd displays of psychologically damaging visual presentations. Women desperate for fame and fortune allow themselves to be presented as bait for the crudest commercial benefits. That which is naturally abhorrent becomes common place with the exposure and constant bombardment of illicit graphic exhibitions. What is the way out of this dilemma? How can we reclaim our self-respect and the respect of our community?
We have to forego the thrill of uncovering that, which was meant to be covered and we have to forego the thrill of exposing that, which was meant to be hidden. If we don't, the disaster that accompanies these crimes will be upon us as a whole. We will pay, our children will pay and our children's children will pay. This is certain.
Thankfully, as Muslims we have the guidance on how to avoid these problems from the beginning if we follow the laws set out for us by Allah Who knows His creation. Learning the history of those who came before us and who have come to disaster and seeing contemporary non-Muslim societies being devoured and destroyed due to lack of guidance and knowledge should make us rush to the solutions that Allah has provided for us. Prevention is better than cure.
Darussalam presents Islamic Dress Code for Women as a solution to one of the most difficult problems of our time. There is no doubt that woman is an object of beauty. This beauty is a very powerful force; Allah has prescribed how this beauty must be dealt with so that it becomes a force for good and not a source of destruction.
Abdul Malik Mujahid